Meet Cheech & Chong:
Hopefully they snuggle tight in til next spring. :)
Obviously, we transferred 2 this morning. They're both 8 cells with minimal fragmentation. I cried when the RE (not my regular doc) gave me the photo. The poor thing thought there was something wrong; I had to assure her they were happy tears as this IVF has been a completely different experience from the 1st, but in a good way.
The other 2 embies are still going but were 7 cells. As long as their growth is on target come Tuesd ay, we will freeze them. So, we could end up with a frosty or 2. We also could end up with none, but the very thought it *might* happen is thrilling.
I started PIO shots the night of retrieval & add Vivelle Dots tomorrow, changing my dot every 3 days. My mom has been doing my shots since Vid isn't a fan of needles. He's going to have to learn if we do end up pregnant though since they are going out of state for a week at the end of the month.
Beta is 8/23/12.
They are sooo beautiful!!!!!
Good luck! I've been told that we can always administer the shot to ourselves too. Have you thought about that?
Those are good looking embies! Congrats on a successful transfer. Take it easy and send positive vibes to those little guys. Good luck!
Those are good looking embies! Congrats on a successful transfer. Take it easy and send positive vibes to those little guys. Good luck!
Beautiful embryos!
Good luck!!!
Sending you lots of snuggling in tight embies thoughts from MN.
Good Luck!
Eeeeek! So exciting. Hope the time before your Beta passes quickly for you!
They do look a little like Cheech & Chong without smoke billowing out of their car windows. :) Good luck, good luck, good luck!!!
Sending you lots of sticky baby dust!
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