Sunday, March 24, 2013

"IKEA" is Swedish for "crack"

I went with my mom to IKEA today.  We go a few times a year; it's only a 30-45 minute drive depending on the traffic.  I try to not go unless I actually need something because otherwise, I spend too much money on things I want but don't necessarily need.  Today, I went to get new slipcovers for my couch & chair using the axcuse that a) they are 5 years old (the original ones we got when we bought the set as newlyweds) & looking warn out & b) I kind of wanted to maybe change the colors since we bought a new house & painted the living room walls.  I was also looking for a floor lamp for Vid's office/man cave which I found as well.  Then, as my mom was looking at frames, I spotted this:
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you know that my phantom child's room has an elephant theme.  I have an odum chair from when I studied abroad in Ghana, an adorable print of Ganesh & several of these fabric elephant strings from India. We painted the walls in the spare bed room the same gray we used in the living room & I've been on the look out at local consignment shops for a Bombay-style dresser that I can paint a deep red.

So, I bought the above print.  It was ony $12.  And it's so cute.  I just hope it doesn't end up sitting in an empty room for the rest of my life because it's just adorable.  Hell, I haven't put as much thought into my own bedroom that I sleep in every night as I have into the room of a child who may never exist!  Clearly, I need help.


One and Done? said...

That print is super cute!

Kate said...

Love that print (and elephants always), and there is nothing wrong with buying stuff for yet to be babies. IKEA is dangerous and we have one down the road, but I also try not to go too often.

Rebecca said...

I've been to IKEA once and managed to leave without buying a single thing. Probably because I had my husband with me to remind me we didn't need anything.

Sadie said...

Such a cute print, I don't blame you for caving to the addiction.

Personally, I dread trips to IKEA...