Happy Deepavali! "WTF is Deepavali", you ask? Perhaps you've hear of it as Diwali which was depicted on an episode of The Office in which Michael Scott sings The Diwali Song a la The Hanukkah Song? Here's the song for your enjoyment & click here to find out more about this holiday.
We spent the day going to temple, eating special food (OMG yum!) & lighting oil lamps hubby's parents gave us as part of our wedding gifts that they bought from India. If I would've thought about it I'd have taken a photo of them (they're silver & hand made) but since I didn't, oh well. We should also be setting off fire crackers as part of the celebration like they do in India but I'd rather not have the cops show up at my door.
In other news we're going away the weekend before Thanksgiving to Maine, staying at the same hotel we went to on our mini-moon when we got married back in February. "Grandma & grandpa" (my parents) will babysit the dog; my mom does doggy daycare for me on the nights both Vid & I work late which is great for him. He loves my parents & has 3 playmates: my parents' dog & cat as well as my sister's dog. I'm still on the lookout for cheap airfares for when Vid has his semester break at the end of December but it's nice to know we at least have this small trip to look forward to.
We spent the day going to temple, eating special food (OMG yum!) & lighting oil lamps hubby's parents gave us as part of our wedding gifts that they bought from India. If I would've thought about it I'd have taken a photo of them (they're silver & hand made) but since I didn't, oh well. We should also be setting off fire crackers as part of the celebration like they do in India but I'd rather not have the cops show up at my door.
In other news we're going away the weekend before Thanksgiving to Maine, staying at the same hotel we went to on our mini-moon when we got married back in February. "Grandma & grandpa" (my parents) will babysit the dog; my mom does doggy daycare for me on the nights both Vid & I work late which is great for him. He loves my parents & has 3 playmates: my parents' dog & cat as well as my sister's dog. I'm still on the lookout for cheap airfares for when Vid has his semester break at the end of December but it's nice to know we at least have this small trip to look forward to.